Course Code | 21CIV14/24 |
CIE Marks | 50 |
Teaching Hours/Week | 3 Lecture, 0 Tutorial, 0 Practical, 0 Self-study |
SEE Marks | 50 |
Total Hours of Pedagogy | 40 |
Total Marks | 100 |
Credits | 3 |
Exam Hours | 3 Hours |
2021 Scheme BASIC ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING 21ELE13/ 21ELE23 Notes (Download👇)
Overview of Civil Engineering Systems
Overview of Civil Engineering Systems: Introduction to structural engineering, geotechnical engineering, Construction technology, hydraulics, water resources and irrigation engineering transportation engineering, environmental and sanitary engineering, GIS, and earthquake engineering. Role of civil engineers in the development of the nation.
Building materials: Stone, brick, wood, glass, aluminium, cement, aggregates, concrete, steel, RCC, PSC, smart materials.
Analysis of Force Systems & Friction
Analysis of force systems: Concept of idealization, force, a system of forces, superposition, transmissibility, Resolution, and composition of forces, Law of Parallelogram of forces, polygonal law, Resultant of concurrent coplanar force system, coplanar non-concurrent force system, a moment of forces, couple, Varignons theorem, resultant of coplanar non-concurrent force system, free body diagram, Lamis theorem, equations of equilibrium, equilibrium of concurrent and non-concurrent coplanar force system
Friction: Types of friction, laws of friction, limiting friction, coefficient of friction concept of static and dynamic friction, numerical problems on impending motion on horizontal and inclined planes along with connected bodies
Centroid & Moment of Inertia
Centroid: Introduction, methods of determining the centroid, locating the centroid of simple figures from first principle, the centroid of composite and built-up sections.
Moment of inertia: Introduction, method of determining the second moment of area of plane sections from first principles, parallel axis theorem and perpendicular axis theorem section modulus, the radius of gyration, moment of inertia of composite area and built-up sections, concept of product of inertia ( No problem).
Support Reactions & Analysis of Trusses
Support reactions: Types of loads and types of supports, statically determinate and indeterminate beams, support reactions in beams, Numerical problems on support reactions for statically determinate beams (point load, udl, uniformly varying loads and moments)
Analysis of trusses: Types of trusses, analysis of statically determinate trusses using the method of joints and method of sections.
Kinematics & Kinetics
Kinematics: Displacement, average velocity, instantaneous velocity, speed, acceleration, average acceleration, variable acceleration, acceleration due to gravity, Newton’s law of motion, rectilinear motion and numerical problems, curvilinear motion, superelevation, projectile motion, relative motion, numerical problems, motion under gravity, numerical problems.
Kinetics: D ‘Alembert’s principle and its application in-plane motion and connected bodies including pulleys