
Engineering Chemistry 21CHE12/22 VTU Notes 2021 Scheme

Engineering Chemistry 21CHE12/22

Course Code21CHE12/22
CIE Marks50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P:S)2:2:0
SEE Marks50
Total Hours of Pedagogy40
Total Marks100
Exam Hours3 Hours

2021 Scheme Notes – Engineering Chemistry (Download👇)

Syllabus copy

21CHE12/22 Syllabus


Electrochemistry and Energy Storage Systems

Electrochemistry: Introduction, EMF of cell, Free Energy, Single electrode potential-Derivation of
Nernst equation, Numerical problems based on Nernst Equation (E, E° & Ecell).

Reference Electrodes: Introduction, construction, working and applications of calomel electrode.

Ion selective electrodes: Introduction, construction, working and applications of Glass electrode, determination of pH using Glass electrode.

Energy storage Systems: Introduction, Classification of batteries (primary, secondary and reserved batteries). Construction, working and applications of Li-ion batteries. Advantages of Li-ion battery as an electrochemical energy system for electric vehicles. Recycling of Lithium-ion batteries by direct cycling Method. Brief introduction of Na- ion battery.


Corrosion and Metal finishing

Corrosion and it’s control:
Introduction, Electrochemical theory of corrosion, Factors affecting the rate of corrosion: ratio of anodic
to cathodic areas, nature of corrosion product, nature of medium – pH, conductivity and temperature.
Types of corrosion – Differential metal and differential aeration (pitting and water line).

Corrosion control: Anodizing – Anodizing of aluminum, Cathodic protection – sacrificial anode and impressed current methods, Metal coatings – Galvanization. Corrosion Penetration Rate (CPR), numerical
problems on CPR.

Metal finishing: Introduction, technological importance. Electroplating: Introduction, Electroplating
of chromium (hard and decorative). Electroless plating: Introduction, distinction between electroplating and electroless plating processes. Electroless plating of copper.


Engineering Materials

Polymers: Introduction, Synthesis and applications of Polyurethanes. Polymer compositesIntroduction, synthesis, properties & applications of Kevlar Fibre.

Conducting Polymers: Introduction, Synthesis & Mechanism of conduction in polyaniline and factors
influencing conductivity of organic polymers.

Biodegradable polymers: Introduction and their requirements. Synthesis, properties and applications of Poly lactic acid.

Nanomaterials: Introduction, size dependent properties (Surface area, Electrical, Optical and Catalytic properties).

Synthesis of nanomaterials: Top down and bottom-up approaches, Synthesis by Sol-gel, and precipitation method, Nanoscale materials: Fullerenes, Carbon nanotubes and graphenes –brief Explanation, properties and applications.


Green Chemistry and Alternative energy resources

Green Chemistry: Introduction, definition, Major environmental pollutants – Oxides Nitrogen, Sulphur
and Carbon (Mansion the impact of these pollutants on environment), Basic principles of green chemistry -brief discussion on 12 principles of green chemistry.
Various green chemical approaches – Microwave synthesis, Bio catalysed reaction (only explanation with examples).
Solvent-free reactions- advantages and conditions
Synthesis of typical organic compounds by conventional and green route;
i) Adipic acid – Conventional synthesis from Benzene, Green synthesis from glucose.
ii) Paracetamol – Conventional and Green synthesis from Phenol Industrial applications of Green Chemistry

Green fuel: Hydrogen-production (Photo electrocatalytic and photo catalytic water splitting) and applications in hydrogen fuel cells. Construction, working and applications of Methanol-Oxygen fuel cell (H2SO4 as electrolyte).

Solar Energy: Introduction, construction, working and applications of photovoltaic cell.


Water Chemistry, chemical analysis and Instrumental methods of analysis

Water chemistry:
Introduction, sources and impurities in water, Potable water; meaning and specifications (as per WHO standards), Hardness of water, types, determination of hardness using EDTA titration, numerical problems on hardness of water. Definition of Biological oxygen demand (BOD) and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), determination of COD of waste water sample and Numerical problems on COD.

Methods of Chemical Analysis:
Volumetric Analysis:
Introduction, principles of titrimetric analysis, requirement of titrimetric analysis, primary and secondary standards. Requirement of a primary standard solution, units of standard solutions- Definition of normality, molarity, molality, mole fraction, ppm.
Instrumental methods of analysis:
Introduction, Theory, Instrumentation and applications of Colorimetry, Flame Photometry, Potentiometry, Conductometry (Strong acid with strong base, weak acid with a strong base, mixture of strong acid and a weak acid with a strong base)

21CHE12/22 Solved Model Papers

Engineering Chemistry Model Papers (Download👇)


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